Source code for micom.util

"""Holds utility functions for other modules."""

import as io
from cobra.util.context import get_context
from cobra.util.solver import interface_to_str, linear_reaction_coefficients
from cobra import Reaction
import os.path as path
from functools import partial
import pickle
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import urllib.request as urlreq
import tempfile
from shutil import rmtree
import pandas as pd
import re
from micom.logger import logger

[docs] _read_funcs = { ".xml": io.read_sbml_model, ".gz": io.read_sbml_model, ".mat": io.load_matlab_model, ".json": io.load_json_model, ".pickle": lambda fn: pickle.load(open(fn, "rb")), }
[docs] COMPARTMENT_RE = "(_{}$)|([^a-zA-Z0-9 :]{}[^a-zA-Z0-9 :]$)"
[docs] def is_active_demand(r): """Check if a reaction is a demand reaction.""" return (len(r.reactants) == len(r.metabolites) and r.lower_bound > 1e-6) or ( len(r.products) == len(r.metabolites) and r.upper_bound < -1e-6 )
[docs] def fix_demands(model): """Check for forced sinks and demands and deactivates them.""" adjusted = [] for r in model.reactions.query(is_active_demand): if r.lower_bound > model.tolerance: r.lower_bound = 0.0 elif r.upper_bound < -model.tolerance: r.upper_bound = 0.0 adjusted.append( return adjusted
[docs] def download_model(url, folder="."): """Download a model.""" dest = path.join(folder, path.basename(url)) urlreq.urlretrieve(url, dest) return dest
[docs] def _read_model(file): """Read a model from a local file.""" _, ext = path.splitext(file) read_func = _read_funcs[ext] model = read_func(file) adjusted = fix_demands(model) if len(adjusted) > 0: logger.warning( "The following sinks or demands were forced in the model and have " "been relaxed since they would interfere with MICOM's growth rate " "estimation: %s" % ", ".join(adjusted) ) return model
[docs] def load_model(filepath): """Load a cobra model from several file types.""""reading model from {}".format(filepath)) parsed = urlparse(filepath) if parsed.scheme and parsed.netloc: tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()"created temporary directory {}".format(tmpdir)) filepath = download_model(filepath, folder=tmpdir) model = _read_model(filepath) rmtree(tmpdir)"deleted temporary directory {}".format(tmpdir)) else: model = _read_model(filepath) return model
[docs] def load_pickle(filename): """Load a community model from a pickled version. Parameters ---------- filename : str The file the community is stored in. Returns ------- micom.Community The loaded community model. """ with open(filename, mode="rb") as infile: mod = pickle.load(infile) adjust_solver_config(mod.solver) return mod
[docs] def serialize_models(files, dir="."): """Convert several models to Python pickles.""" for f in files: fname = path.basename(f).split(".")[0] model = load_model(f)"serializing {}".format(f)) pickle.dump( model, open(path.join(dir, fname + ".pickle"), "wb"), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, )
[docs] def chr_or_input(m): """Return ascii character for the ordinal or the original string.""" i = int(m.groups()[0]) if i > 31 and i < 128: return chr(i) else: return "__%d__" % i
[docs] def clean_ids(id): """Clean ids up a bit.""" return re.sub("__(\\d+)__", chr_or_input, id)
[docs] def compartment_id(micom_obj): """Get the compartment id for a cobra object and prune the prefix if needed.""" comp_id = micom_obj.compartment.replace("__" + micom_obj.community_id, "") pruned = comp_id.replace("C_", "") match_original = (, comp_id), micom_obj.global_id) is not None ) match_pruned = (, pruned), micom_obj.global_id) is not None ) if not match_original and match_pruned: return pruned return comp_id
[docs] def join_models(model_files, id=None): """Join several models into one. This requires all the models to use the same ID system. Arguments ---------- model_files : list of strings The files to be joined. id : str The new ID for the model. Will be the ID of the first model if None. Returns ------- cobra.Model The joined cobra Model. """ model = load_model(model_files[0]) n = len(model_files) if id: = id biomass = Reaction( id="micom_combined_biomass", name="combined biomass reaction from model joining", subsystem="biomass production", lower_bound=0, upper_bound=1000, ) coefs = linear_reaction_coefficients(model, model.reactions) for r, coef in coefs.items(): biomass += r * (coef / n) rids = set( for r in model.reactions) for filepath in model_files[1:]: other = load_model(filepath) new = [ for r in other.reactions if not in rids] model.add_reactions(other.reactions.get_by_any(new)) coefs = linear_reaction_coefficients(other, other.reactions) for r, coef in coefs.items(): biomass += model.reactions.get_by_id( * (coef / n) rids.update(new) model.add_reactions([biomass]) model.objective = biomass return model
[docs] def fluxes_from_primals(model, info): """Extract a list of fluxes from the model primals.""" primals = model.solver.primal_values rxns = model.reactions.query(lambda r: == r.community_id) rids = [r.global_id for r in rxns] fluxes = ( primals[] - primals[] for rxn in rxns ) fluxes = pd.Series(fluxes, rids, return fluxes
[docs] def add_var_from_expression(model, name, expr, lb=None, ub=None): """Add a variable to a model equaling an expression.""" var = model.problem.Variable(name, lb=lb, ub=ub) const = model.problem.Constraint( (var - expr).expand(), lb=0, ub=0, name=name + "_equality" ) model.add_cons_vars([var, const]) return var
[docs] def ex_metabolite(model, rid): """Get the metabolite from an exchange reaction ID.""" return list(model.reactions.get_by_id(rid).metabolites)[0]
[docs] def check_modification(community): """Check whether a community already carries a modification. Arguments --------- community : micom.Community The community class to check. Raises ------ ValueError If the community already carries a modification and adding another would not be safe. """ if community.modification is not None: raise ValueError( "Community already carries a modification " "({})!".format(community.modification) )
[docs] def _format_min_growth(min_growth, taxa): """Format min_growth into a pandas series. Arguments --------- min_growth : positive float or array-like object. The minimum growth rate for each individual in the community. Either a single value applied to all individuals or one value for each. taxa : array-like The ID for each individual model in the community. Returns ------- pandas.Series A pandas Series mapping each individual to its minimum growth rate. """ try: min_growth = float(min_growth) except (TypeError, ValueError): if len(min_growth) != len(taxa): raise ValueError( "min_growth must be single value or an array-like " "object with an entry for each taxon in the model." ) return pd.Series(min_growth, taxa)
[docs] def _apply_min_growth(community, min_growth, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6): """Set minimum growth constraints on a model. Will integrate with the context. """ context = get_context(community) def reset(taxon, lb):"resetting growth rate constraint for %s" % taxon) community.constraints["objective_" + taxon].ub = None community.constraints["objective_" + taxon].lb = lb for sp in community.taxa:"setting growth rate constraint for %s" % sp) obj = community.constraints["objective_" + sp] if context: context(partial(reset, sp, = (1.0 - rtol) * min_growth[sp] - atol if < atol: "minimal growth rate smaller than tolerance," " setting to zero." ) = 0
[docs] def adjust_solver_config(solver): """Adjust the optlang solver configuration for larger problems.""" interface = interface_to_str(solver.interface) solver.configuration.tolerances.feasibility = 1e-6 solver.configuration.presolve = True if interface == "cplex": solver.configuration.lp_method = "barrier" solver.configuration.qp_method = "barrier" solver.problem.parameters.threads.set(1) solver.problem.parameters.barrier.convergetol.set(1e-9) if interface == "gurobi": # see solver.configuration.lp_method = "barrier" solver.problem.Params.BarConvTol = 1e-9 solver.problem.Params.BarIterLimit = 2000 solver.problem.Params.CrossoverBasis = 1 solver.problem.Params.ScaleFlag = 2 solver.problem.Params.NumericFocus = 1 solver.problem.Params.Threads = 1 solver.problem.Params.LogToConsole = 0 if interface == "hybrid": solver.problem.settings["optimality_tolerance"] = 1e-6 solver.problem.settings["lp_method"] = "interior point" solver.problem.settings["iteration_limit"] = 20000 solver.problem.settings["presolve"] = "auto"
[docs] def reset_min_community_growth(com): """Reset the lower bound for the community growth.""" = 0.0 com.variables.community_objective.ub = None