micom.duality ============= .. py:module:: micom.duality .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Implements a fast dual formulation. Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: micom.duality.fast_dual Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: fast_dual(model, prefix='dual_') Add dual formulation to the problem. A mathematical optimization problem can be viewed as a primal and a dual problem. If the primal problem is a minimization problem the dual is a maximization problem, and the optimal value of the dual is a lower bound of the optimal value of the primal. For linear problems, strong duality holds, which means that the optimal values of the primal and dual are equal (duality gap = 0). This functions takes an optlang Model representing a primal linear problem and returns a new Model representing the dual optimization problem. The provided model must have a linear objective, linear constraints and only continuous variables. Furthermore, the problem must be in standard form, i.e. all variables should be non-negative. Both minimization and maximization problems are allowed. .. attribute:: model The model to be dualized. :type: cobra.Model .. attribute:: prefix The string that will be prepended to all variable and constraint names in the returned dual problem. :type: str :returns: The coefficients for the new dual objective. :rtype: dict