micom.elasticity ================ .. py:module:: micom.elasticity .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Calculate elasticity coefficients. Functions to calculate elasticity coefficients for various community quantities. Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: micom.elasticity.STEP Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: micom.elasticity._get_fluxes micom.elasticity._derivatives micom.elasticity.elasticities_by_medium micom.elasticity.elasticities_by_abundance micom.elasticity.elasticities Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: STEP :value: 0.1 .. py:function:: _get_fluxes(sol, reactions) Get the primal values for a set of variables. .. py:function:: _derivatives(before, after) Get the elasticities for fluxes. .. py:function:: elasticities_by_medium(com, reactions, fraction, growth_rate, progress) Get the elasticity coefficients for a set of variables. :param com: The community for wrhich to calculate elasticities. :type com: micom.Community :param variables: The variables for which to calculate the elasticities. All of these must have non-zero primal vaues in the previous solution. :type variables: list of optlang.Variable :returns: The long/tidy version of the elasticities. Contains columns variable, effector, and elasticity. :rtype: pandas.Dataframe .. py:function:: elasticities_by_abundance(com, reactions, fraction, growth_rate, progress) Get the elasticity coefficients for a set of variables. :param com: The community for which to calculate elasticities. :type com: micom.Community :param variables: The variables for which to calculate the elasticities. All of these must have non-zero primal vaues in the previous solution. :type variables: list of optlang.Variable :returns: The long/tidy version of the elasticities. Contains columns variable, effector, and elasticity. :rtype: pandas.Dataframe .. py:function:: elasticities(com, fraction=0.5, reactions=None, progress=True) Calculate elasticities for reactions. Calculates elasticity coefficients using the specified reactions as response and exchange bounds (diet) and taxa abundances as effectors/parameters. Will use an arbitrary flux distribution as base. :param com: The community for wrhich to calculate elasticities. :type com: micom.Community :param fraction: The tradeoff to use for the cooperative tradeoff method. Fraction of maximal community growth to enforce. :type fraction: double :param reactions: A list of reactions to get elasticities for. Elements can either be reactions from the model, strings specifying the ids of reactions or ints specifying the indices of reactions. Defaults to using all reactions. :type reactions: iterable :param progress: Whether to shwo progress bars. Will show two, one for the diet optimizations and another one for the taxa abundances. :type progress: boolean :returns: A data frame with the following columns: "reaction" - the exchange reaction (response), "taxon" - the taxon the reaction is from, "effector" - the parameter that was changed, "direction" - whether the flux runs in the forward or reverse direction, "elasticity" - the elasticity coefficient, "type" - the type of effector either "exchange" for diet or "abundance" for taxa abundances. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame