micom.workflows.core ==================== .. py:module:: micom.workflows.core .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Makes it easier to run analyses on several samples in parallel. Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: micom.workflows.core.logger Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: micom.workflows.core.workflow Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: logger .. py:function:: workflow(func, args, threads=4, description=None, progress=True) Run analyses for several samples in parallel. This will analyze several samples in parallel. Includes a workaround for optlang memory leak. :param func: A function that takes a single argument (can be any object) and that performs your analysis for a single sample. :type func: function :param args: An array-like object (list, tuple, numpy array, pandas Series, etc.) that contains the arguments for each sample. :type args: array-like object :param threads: How many samples to analyze in parallel at once. :type threads: positive int :param description: The dewscription shown in front of the progress bar. :type description: str :param progress: Whether to show a progress bar. :type progress: bool