Single Model API

Building communities

micom will construct communities from a specification via a Pandas DataFrame. Here, the DataFrame needs at least two columns: “id” and “file” which specify the ID of the organism/tissue and a file containing the actual individual model.

To make more sense of that we can look at a small example. micom comes with a function that generates a simple example community specification consisting of several copies of a small E. coli model containing only the central carbon metabolism.

from import test_taxonomy

taxonomy = test_taxonomy()
id genus species reactions metabolites file
0 Escherichia_coli_1 Escherichia Escherichia coli 95 72 /home/cdiener/code/micom/micom/data/e_coli_cor...
1 Escherichia_coli_2 Escherichia Escherichia coli 95 72 /home/cdiener/code/micom/micom/data/e_coli_cor...
2 Escherichia_coli_3 Escherichia Escherichia coli 95 72 /home/cdiener/code/micom/micom/data/e_coli_cor...
3 Escherichia_coli_4 Escherichia Escherichia coli 95 72 /home/cdiener/code/micom/micom/data/e_coli_cor...

As we see this specification contains the required fields and some more information. In fact the specification may contain any number of additional information which will be saved along with the community model. One special example is “abundance” which we will get to know soon :) The logic behind requiring the community information in this table format is that this table can be appended as supplement to your project or publication as is and describes your community composition without any doubt.

In order to convert the specification in a community model we will use the Community class from micom which derives from the cobrapy Model class.

from micom import Community

com = Community(taxonomy)
print("Build a community with a total of {} reactions.".format(len(com.reactions)))

Build a community with a total of 400 reactions.

This includes the correctly scaled exchange reactions with the internal medium and initializes the external imports to the maximum found in all models. The original taxonomy is maintained in the com.taxonomy attribute.

Note that micom can figure out how to read a variety of different file types based on the extension. It curently supports:

  • .pickle for pickled models

  • .xml or .gz for XML models

  • .json for JSON models

  • .mat for COBRAtoolbox models

id genus species reactions metabolites file abundance
Escherichia_coli_1 Escherichia_coli_1 Escherichia Escherichia coli 95 72 /home/cdiener/code/micom/micom/data/e_coli_cor... 0.25
Escherichia_coli_2 Escherichia_coli_2 Escherichia Escherichia coli 95 72 /home/cdiener/code/micom/micom/data/e_coli_cor... 0.25
Escherichia_coli_3 Escherichia_coli_3 Escherichia Escherichia coli 95 72 /home/cdiener/code/micom/micom/data/e_coli_cor... 0.25
Escherichia_coli_4 Escherichia_coli_4 Escherichia Escherichia coli 95 72 /home/cdiener/code/micom/micom/data/e_coli_cor... 0.25

As you can notice we have gained a new column called abundance. This column quantifies the relative quantity of each individual in the community. Since we did not specify this in the original taxonomy micom assumes that all individuals are present in the same quantity.

The presented community here is pretty simplistic. For microbial communities micom includes a larger taxonomy for 773 microbial species from the AGORA paper. Here the “file” column only contains the base names for the files but you can easily prepend any path as demonstrated in the following:

from import agora

tax = agora.copy()
tax.file = "models/" + tax.file  # assuming you have downloaded the AGORA models to the "models" folder
organism seedid kingdom phylum mclass order family genus oxygenstat metabolism ... draftcreated phenotype imgid ncbiid platform kbaseid species file id taxa_id
0 Abiotrophia defectiva ATCC 49176 Abiotrophia defectiva ATCC 49176 (592010.4) Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Aerococcaceae Abiotrophia Facultative anaerobe Saccharolytic, fermentative or respiratory ... 07/01/14 1.0 2.562617e+09 592010.0 ModelSEED NaN defectiva models/Abiotrophia_defectiva_ATCC_49176.xml Abiotrophia_defectiva_ATCC_49176 46125.0
1 Achromobacter xylosoxidans A8 Achromobacter xylosoxidans A8 (762376.5) Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Alcaligenaceae Achromobacter Aerobe Respiratory ... NaN NaN NaN 762376.0 ModelSEED kb_g_3268_model_gf xylosoxidans models/Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8.xml Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_A8 85698.0
2 Achromobacter xylosoxidans NBRC 15126 = ATCC 2... NaN Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Alcaligenaceae Achromobacter Aerobe Respiratory ... NaN NaN NaN 1216976.0 Kbase kb|g.208127 xylosoxidans models/Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_NBRC_15126.xml Achromobacter_xylosoxidans_NBRC_15126 85698.0
3 Acidaminococcus fermentans DSM 20731 Acidaminococcus fermentans DSM 20731 (591001.3) Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Acidaminococcales Acidaminococcaceae Acidaminococcus Obligate anaerobe Fermentative ... 04/17/16 NaN 6.463119e+08 591001.0 Kbase kb|g.2555 fermentans models/Acidaminococcus_fermentans_DSM_20731.xml Acidaminococcus_fermentans_DSM_20731 905.0
4 Acidaminococcus intestini RyC-MR95 Acidaminococcus intestini RyC-MR95 (568816.4) Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Acidaminococcaceae Acidaminococcus Obligate anaerobe Asaccharolytic, glutamate is fermented ... 08/03/14 4.0 2.511231e+09 568816.0 Kbase NaN intestini models/Acidaminococcus_intestini_RyC_MR95.xml Acidaminococcus_intestini_RyC_MR95 187327.0

5 rows × 26 columns

Saving and loading communities

Contructing large community models can be slow which is due to performance limitations of the solvers. In essence, adding a single variable/constraint to a model qih 10 variables is much faster than adding it to a model with 10 million variables. Thus, we recommend you save the constructed community in a serialized format afterwards which will be much faster in loading repetitively.

%time com = Community(taxonomy)

CPU times: user 756 ms, sys: 12.6 ms, total: 768 ms
Wall time: 776 ms
%time com.to_pickle("community.pickle")
CPU times: user 77.8 ms, sys: 3.77 ms, total: 81.6 ms
Wall time: 81.4 ms
from micom import load_pickle
%time com = load_pickle("community.pickle")
CPU times: user 36.4 ms, sys: 7.71 ms, total: 44.1 ms
Wall time: 43.6 ms

As we can see loading the model from the pickle format is much faster than creating it de novo.

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