Source code for

"""A class representing a microbial or tissue community."""

import re
import pickle
import cobra
import cobra.util.solver
import pandas as pd
from optlang.symbolics import Zero
from .constants import RANKS
from .db import load_zip_model_db, load_manifest
from .util import (
from micom.optcom import optcom, solve
from micom.problems import cooperative_tradeoff, knockout_taxa
from micom.qiime_formats import load_qiime_model_db
from micom.taxonomy import unify_rank_prefixes
import logging
from rich.progress import track
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory"ERROR")
[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class Community(cobra.Model): """A community of models. This class represents a community of individual models. It was designed for microbial communities but may also be used for multi-tissue or tissue-cell mixture models as long as all individuals exist within a single enclosing compartment. """ def __init__( self, taxonomy, model_db=None, id=None, name=None, rel_threshold=1e-6, solver=None, progress=True, max_exchange=100, mass=1, ): """Create a new community object. `micom` builds a community from a taxonomy which may simply be a list of model files in its simplest form. Usually, the taxonomy will contain additional information such as annotations for the individuals (for instance phylum, organims or species) and abundances. The recommended way to build a micom model is to supply a quantification of taxa (called "taxonomy" here) which specifies the taxonomic ranks for a taxon and its abundance, and a model database for a specific rank (for instance "genus"). MICOM will match the ranks from your taxonomy to the model database and assemble the community models from that. You will also get information about the construction process by calling `Community.build_metrics`. The most customizable way only takes a single table where summarization and matching to the reference database has already occured. In this case you will also provide paths to model files for each taxon. This is the "old" way but may still be applicable if you want to use a custom database or want full control of matching your data to reference models. Notes ----- `micom` will automatically add exchange fluxes and and a community objective maximizing the overall growth rate of the community. Parameters ---------- taxonomy : pandas.DataFrame The taxonomy used for building the model. Must have at least the column "id" or a column specifying a taxonomic rank. If no model database is specified in the next argument it furthermore requires a column "file" which specifies a filepath for each model. Valid file extensions are ".pickle", ".xml", ".xml.gz" and ".json". If a model database is specified this must contain at least a column with the same name as the rank used in the model database. Thus, for a genus-level database you will need a column `genus`. Additional taxa ranks can also be specified and will be used to be more stringent in taxa matching. Finally, the taxonomy should contain a column `abundance`. It will be used to quantify each individual in the community. If absent, MICOM will assume all individuals are present in the same amount. model_db : str A pre-built model database. If ending in `.qza` must be a Qiime 2 artifact of type `MetabolicModels[JSON]`. Can also be a folder, zip (must end in `.zip`) file or None if the taxonomy contains a column `file`. id : str, optional The ID for the community. Should only contain letters and numbers, otherwise it will be formatted as such. name : str, optional The name for the community. rel_threshold : float < 1, optional The relative abundance threshold that will be used. Describes the smallest relative amount of an individual that will be considered non-zero. All individuals with a smaller relative amount will be omitted. solver : str, optional Which solver to use. Will default to cplex if available which is better suited for large problems. progress : bool, optional Show a progress bar. max_exchange : positive float, optional During model constructions exchange reactions are duplicated into internal and external exchange reactions. This specifies the new import flux bound for the *internal* exchange reaction. Import rates for the exchanges between the medium and outside are still mantained. mass : positive float, optional The total mass of the community in gDW. Used to adjust import fluxes which are assumed to be given as mmol/gDW*h for the entire community. As a consequence all import fluxes will be divided by that number. Attributes ---------- taxa : list A list of taxa IDs in the community. """ super(Community, self).__init__(id, name)"building new micom model {}.".format(id)) if not solver: solver = [ s for s in ["cplex", "gurobi", "hybrid", "glpk"] if s in cobra.util.solver.solvers ][0]"using the %s solver." % solver) if solver == "glpk": logger.warning( "No QP solver found, will use GLPK. A lot of functionality " "in MICOM will require a QP solver :/" ) self.solver.configuration.lp_method = "auto" self.solver.configuration.qp_method = "auto" self.solver.configuration.presolve = False
[docs] self.solver = solver
[docs] self._rtol = rel_threshold
[docs] self._modification = None
[docs] self.mass = mass
[docs] self.__db_metrics = None
adjust_solver_config(self.solver) taxonomy = taxonomy.copy() if "abundance" not in taxonomy.columns: taxonomy["abundance"] = 1 taxonomy.abundance /= taxonomy.abundance.sum() "{} individuals with abundances below threshold".format( (taxonomy.abundance <= self._rtol).sum() ) ) taxonomy = taxonomy[taxonomy.abundance > self._rtol] if not ( isinstance(taxonomy, pd.DataFrame) and any(taxonomy.columns.isin(["id"] + RANKS)) ): raise ValueError( "`taxonomy` must be a pandas DataFrame with at least" " a column `id` or a rank :(" ) if model_db is None and "file" not in taxonomy.columns: raise ValueError( "If no model database is specified you need to pass " "file names for models in a `file` column as well." ) compressed = False if model_db is not None: compressed = model_db.endswith(".qza") or model_db.endswith(".zip") if compressed: tdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="micom_") if "file" in taxonomy.columns: logger.warning( "The table includes a `file` column even though a model database " "is used. Will ignore it and use the model database instead." ) del taxonomy["file"] if model_db.endswith(".qza"): manifest = load_qiime_model_db(model_db, elif model_db.endswith(".zip"): manifest = load_zip_model_db(model_db, else: manifest = load_manifest(model_db) rank = manifest["summary_rank"][0] if rank not in taxonomy.columns: raise ValueError("Missing the column `%s` from the taxonomy." % rank) if "id" not in taxonomy.columns: taxonomy["id"] = taxonomy[rank] keep_cols = [ r for r in RANKS[0 : (RANKS.index(rank) + 1)] if r in taxonomy.columns and r in manifest.columns ] manifest = manifest[keep_cols + ["file"]] taxonomy = unify_rank_prefixes(taxonomy, manifest) merged = pd.merge(taxonomy, manifest, on=keep_cols) self.__db_metrics = pd.Series( { "found_taxa": merged.shape[0], "total_taxa": taxonomy.shape[0], "found_fraction": merged.shape[0] / taxonomy.shape[0], "found_abundance_fraction": merged.abundance.sum(), } ) "Matched %g%% of total abundance in model DB." % (100.0 * self.__db_metrics["found_abundance_fraction"]) ) if self.__db_metrics["found_abundance_fraction"] < 0.5: logger.warning( "Less than 50%% of the abundance could be matched to the " "model database. Model `%s` may not be representative " "of the sample" % ) taxonomy = merged taxonomy["abundance"] /= taxonomy["abundance"].sum() ="[^A-Za-z0-9_]+", "_", regex=True)
[docs] self.__taxonomy = taxonomy
self.__taxonomy.index = obj = Zero
[docs] self.taxa = []
index = self.__taxonomy.index index = track(index, description="Building") if progress else index for idx in index: row = self.__taxonomy.loc[idx] if isinstance(row.file, list): if len(row.file) > 1: model = join_models(row.file)"joined {} models".format(len(row.file))) else: model = load_model(row.file[0]) else: model = load_model(row.file) suffix = "__" + idx.replace(" ", "_").strip()"converting IDs for {}".format(idx)) external = cobra.medium.find_external_compartment(model) "Identified %s as the external compartment for %s. " "If that is wrong you may be in trouble..." % (external, idx) ) for r in model.reactions: r.global_id = clean_ids( = r.global_id + suffix r.community_id = idx # avoids r._compartments = None # SBO terms may not be maintained if "sbo" in r.annotation: del r.annotation["sbo"] for m in model.metabolites: m.global_id = clean_ids( = m.global_id + suffix m.compartment += suffix m.community_id = idx"adding reactions for {} to community".format(idx)) self.add_reactions(model.reactions) o = self.solver.interface.Objective.clone( model.objective, model=self.solver ) obj += o.expression * row.abundance self.taxa.append(idx) taxa_obj = self.problem.Constraint( o.expression, name="objective_" + idx, lb=0.0 ) self.add_cons_vars([taxa_obj]) self.__add_exchanges( model.reactions, row, external_compartment=external, internal_exchange=max_exchange, ) self.solver.update() # to avoid dangling refs due to lazy add if compressed: tdir.cleanup() com_obj = add_var_from_expression(self, "community_objective", obj, lb=0)
[docs] self.objective = self.problem.Objective(com_obj, direction="max")
[docs] def __add_exchanges( self, reactions, info, external_compartment="e", internal_exchange=1000, ): """Add exchange reactions for a new model.""" for r in reactions: # Some sanity checks for whether the reaction is an exchange ex = external_compartment + "__" + r.community_id # Some AGORA models label the biomass demand as exchange if any(bm in for bm in ["biomass", "bm"]): ="EX_", "DM_") continue if not cobra.medium.is_boundary_type(r, "exchange", ex): continue if not"ex"): logger.debug( "Reaction %s seems to be an exchange " % + "reaction but its ID does not start with 'EX_'..." ) export = len(r.reactants) == 1 if export: lb = r.lower_bound / self.mass ub = r.upper_bound else: lb = -r.upper_bound / self.mass ub = -r.lower_bound if lb < 0.0 and lb > -1e-6: "lower bound for %r below numerical accuracy " "-> adjusting to stabilize model." ) lb = -1e-6 if ub > 0.0 and ub < 1e-6: "upper bound for %r below numerical accuracy " "-> adjusting to stabilize model." ) ub = 1e-6 met = (r.reactants + r.products)[0] old_compartment = compartment_id(met) medium_id = re.sub( COMPARTMENT_RE.format(old_compartment, old_compartment), "", met.global_id, ) medium_id += "_m" if medium_id == medium_id += "_medium" if medium_id not in self.metabolites: # If metabolite does not exist in medium add it to the model # and also add an exchange reaction for the medium"adding metabolite %s to external medium" % medium_id) medium_met = met.copy() = medium_id medium_met.compartment = "m" medium_met.global_id = medium_id medium_met.community_id = "medium" ex_medium = cobra.Reaction( id="EX_" +, + " medium exchange", lower_bound=lb, upper_bound=ub, ) ex_medium.add_metabolites({medium_met: -1}) ex_medium.global_id = ex_medium.community_id = "medium" self.add_reactions([ex_medium]) else: "updating import rate for external metabolite %s" % medium_id ) medium_met = self.metabolites.get_by_id(medium_id) ex_medium = self.reactions.get_by_id("EX_" + ex_medium.lower_bound = min(lb, ex_medium.lower_bound) ex_medium.upper_bound = max(ub, ex_medium.upper_bound) coef = info.abundance r.add_metabolites({medium_met: coef if export else -coef}) if export: r.lower_bound = -internal_exchange else: r.upper_bound = internal_exchange
[docs] def __update_exchanges(self): """Update exchanges.""""updating exchange reactions for %s" % for met in self.metabolites.query(lambda x: x.compartment == "m"): for r in met.reactions: if r.boundary: continue coef = self.__taxonomy.loc[r.community_id, "abundance"] if met in r.products: r.add_metabolites({met: coef}, combine=False) else: r.add_metabolites({met: -coef}, combine=False)
[docs] def __update_community_objective(self): """Update the community objective.""""updating the community objective for %s" % v = self.variables.community_objective const = self.constraints.community_objective_equality self.remove_cons_vars([const]) com_obj = Zero for sp in self.taxa: ab = self.__taxonomy.loc[sp, "abundance"] taxa_obj = self.constraints["objective_" + sp] com_obj += ab * taxa_obj.expression const = self.problem.Constraint( (v - com_obj).expand(), lb=0, ub=0, name="community_objective_equality", ) self.add_cons_vars([const])
[docs] def optimize_single(self, id): """Optimize growth rate for one individual. `optimize_single` will calculate the maximal growth rate for one individual member of the community. Notes ----- This might well mean that growth rates for all other individuals are low since the individual may use up all available resources. Parameters ---------- id : str The ID of the individual to be optimized. fluxes : boolean, optional Whether to return all fluxes. Defaults to just returning the maximal growth rate. Returns ------- float The maximal growth rate for the given taxa. """ logger.warning("`optimize_single` is deprecated and will be removed soon :(") if isinstance(id, str): if id not in self.__taxonomy.index: raise ValueError(id + " not in taxonomy!") info = self.__taxonomy.loc[id] elif isinstance(id, int) and id >= 0 and id < len(self.__taxonomy): info = self.__taxonomy.iloc[id] else: raise ValueError("`id` must be an id or positive index!")"optimizing for {}".format( obj = self.constraints["objective_" +] with self as m: m.objective = obj.expression m.solver.optimize() return m.objective.value
[docs] def optimize_all(self, progress=False): """Return solutions for individually optimizing each model. Notes ----- This might well mean that growth rates for all other individuals are low since the individual may use up all available resources. As a consequence the reported growth rates may usually never be obtained all at once. Parameters ---------- progress : boolean, optional Whether to show a progress bar. Returns ------- pandas.Series The maximal growth rate for each taxa. """ logger.warning("`optimize_all` is deprecated and will be removed soon :(") index = self.__taxonomy.index if progress: index = track(self.__taxonomy.index, description="Optimizing") individual = (self.optimize_single(id) for id in index) return pd.Series(individual, self.__taxonomy.index)
[docs] def optimize( self, fluxes=False, pfba=False, raise_error=False, atol=None, rtol=None ): """Optimize the model using flux balance analysis. This is the primary accessor for optimization in MICOM and should be used for all optimizations. Different from cobrapy this will *not* return the full solution by default but only growth rates which is much quicker. You can request a full solution by setting the `fluxes` and `pFBA` arguments. Parameters ---------- slim : boolean, optional Whether to return a slim solution which does not contain fluxes, just growth rates. raise_error : boolean, optional Should an error be raised if the solution is not optimal. Defaults to False which will either return a solution with a non-optimal status or None if optimization fails. fluxes : boolean, optional Whether to return the fluxes as well. pfba : boolean, optional Whether to obtain fluxes by parsimonious FBA rather than "classical" FBA. This is highly recommended. atol : float Absolute tolerance for the growth rates. If None will use the solver tolerance. rtol : float Relative tolerqance for the growth rates. If None will use the solver tolerance. Returns ------- micom.CommunitySolution The solution after optimization or None if there is no optimum. """ if atol is None: atol = self.solver.configuration.tolerances.feasibility if rtol is None: rtol = self.solver.configuration.tolerances.feasibility with self: solution = solve( self, fluxes=fluxes, pfba=pfba, raise_error=raise_error, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, ) return solution
[docs] def abundances(self): """pandas.Series: The normalized abundances. Setting this attribute will also trigger the appropriate updates in the exchange fluxes and the community objective. """ return self.__taxonomy.abundance
@abundances.setter def abundances(self, value): self.set_abundance(value, normalize=True)
[docs] def set_abundance(self, value, normalize=True): """Change abundances for one or more taxa. Parameters ---------- value : array-like object The new abundances. Must contain one value for each taxon. Can be a named object like a pandas Series. normalize : boolean, optional Whether to normalize the abundances to a total of 1.0. Many things in micom asssume that this is always the case. Only change this if you know what you are doing :O """ try: self.__taxonomy.abundance = value except Exception: raise ValueError( "value must be an iterable with an entry for " "each taxa/tissue" )"setting new abundances for %s" % ab = self.__taxonomy.abundance if normalize: self.__taxonomy.abundance /= ab.sum() small = ab < self._rtol "adjusting abundances for %s to %g" % (str(self.__taxonomy.index[small]), self._rtol) ) self.__taxonomy.loc[small, "abundance"] = self._rtol self.__update_exchanges() self.__update_community_objective()
[docs] def taxonomy(self): """pandas.DataFrame: The taxonomy used within the model. This attribute only returns a copy. """ return self.__taxonomy.copy()
[docs] def modification(self): """str: Denotes modifications to the model currently applied. Will be None if the community is unmodified. """ return self._modification
@modification.setter @cobra.util.context.resettable def modification(self, mod): self._modification = mod @property
[docs] def exchanges(self): """list: Return all exchange reactions in the model. Uses several heuristics based on the reaction name and compartments to exclude reactions that are *not* exchange reactions. """ return cobra.medium.find_boundary_types(self, "exchange", "m")
[docs] def internal_exchanges(self): """list: Return all internal exchanges. Internal exchanges are exchanges between individual taxa and the medium. """ return [ r for r in self.reactions if len(r.metabolites) == 2 and "m" in [m.compartment for m in r.metabolites] ]
[docs] def medium(self): """Return the medium.""" return super().medium
@medium.setter def medium(self, fluxes): """Set the medium for the community. Parameters ---------- fluxes : dict or pandas.Series The largest allowed import flux for the component. Index or key must be a reaction ID and the flux should be positive. """ if isinstance(fluxes, pd.Series): fluxes = fluxes.to_dict() exids = set( for r in self.exchanges) rids = set(k for k in fluxes) found = rids & exids C_num = sum( cobra.core.formula.Formula(ex_metabolite(self, rid).formula).elements.get( "C", 0 ) for rid in found ) not_found = rids - exids if len(found) == 0: raise ValueError( "No ID from the medium could be found in the exchange reactions. " "This means you probably have mismatched IDs..." ) elif C_num == 0: logger.warning( "There does not seem to be any carbon source in your medium. " "Please double-check your medium IDs. " ) if len(not_found) > 0: "I could not find the following exchanges " "in your model: %s" % ", ".join(not_found) ) super(Community, type(self)).medium.fset( self, {rid: fluxes[rid] for rid in found} ) @property
[docs] def build_metrics(self): """pd.Series: Returns general metrics for database matching. Only available when built using a model database. """ if self.__db_metrics is not None: return self.__db_metrics else: raise ValueError( "Metrics are only available for models build using a model " "database :(" )
[docs] def optcom(self, strategy="lagrangian", min_growth=0.0, fluxes=False, pfba=True): """Run OptCom for the community. OptCom methods are a group of optimization procedures to find community solutions that provide a tradeoff between the cooperative community growth and the egoistic growth of each individual [#c1]_. `micom` provides several strategies that can be used to find optimal solutions: - "moma": Minimization of metabolic adjustment. Simultaneously optimizes the community objective (maximize) and the cooperativity cost (minimize). This method finds an exact maximum but doubles the number of required variables, thus being slow. - "lmoma": The same as "moma" only with a linear representation of the cooperativity cost (absolute value). - "original": Solves the multi-objective problem described in [#c1]_. Here, the community growth rate is maximized simultanously with all individual growth rates. Note that there are usually many Pareto-optimal solutions to this problem and the method will only give one solution. This is also the slowest method. Parameters ---------- community : micom.Community The community to optimize. strategy : str The strategy used to solve the OptCom formulation. Defaults to "lagrangian" which gives a decent tradeoff between speed and correctness. min_growth : float or array-like The minimal growth rate required for each individual. May be a single value or an array-like object with the same length as there are individuals. fluxes : boolean Whether to return the fluxes as well. pfba : boolean Whether to obtain fluxes by parsimonious FBA rather than "classical" FBA. Returns ------- micom.CommunitySolution The solution of the optimization. If fluxes==False will only contain the objective value, community growth rate and individual growth rates. References ---------- .. [#c1] OptCom: a multi-level optimization framework for the metabolic modeling and analysis of microbial communities. Zomorrodi AR, Maranas CD. PLoS Comput Biol. 2012 Feb;8(2):e1002363. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002363, PMID: 22319433 """ return optcom(self, strategy, min_growth, fluxes, pfba)
[docs] def cooperative_tradeoff( self, min_growth=0.0, fraction=1.0, fluxes=False, pfba=False, atol=None, rtol=None, ): """Find the best tradeoff between community and individual growth. Finds the set of growth rates which maintian a particular community growth and spread up growth across all taxa as much as possible. This is done by minimizing the L2 norm of the growth rates with a minimal community growth. Parameters ---------- min_growth : float or array-like, optional The minimal growth rate required for each individual. May be a single value or an array-like object with the same length as there are individuals. fraction : float or list of floats in [0, 1] The minum percentage of the community growth rate that has to be maintained. For instance 0.9 means maintain 90% of the maximal community growth rate. Defaults to 100%. fluxes : boolean, optional Whether to return the fluxes as well. pfba : boolean, optional Whether to obtain fluxes by parsimonious FBA rather than "classical" FBA. This is highly recommended. atol : float Absolute tolerance for the growth rates. If None will use the solver tolerance. rtol : float Relative tolerqance for the growth rates. If None will use the solver tolerance. Returns ------- micom.CommunitySolution or pd.Series of solutions The solution of the optimization. If fluxes==False will only contain the objective value, community growth rate and individual growth rates. If more than one fraction value is given will return a pandas Series of solutions with the fractions as indices. """ if atol is None: atol = self.solver.configuration.tolerances.feasibility if rtol is None: rtol = self.solver.configuration.tolerances.feasibility return cooperative_tradeoff( self, min_growth, fraction, fluxes, pfba, atol, rtol )
[docs] def knockout_taxa( self, taxa=None, fraction=1.0, method="change", progress=True, diag=True, ): """Sequentially knowckout a list of taxa in the model. This uses cooperative tradeoff as optimization criterion in order to get unqiue solutions for individual growth rates. Requires a QP solver to work. Parameters ---------- taxa : str or list of strs Names of taxa to be knocked out. fraction : float in [0, 1], optional Percentage of the maximum community growth rate that has to be maintained. Defaults to 100%. method : str, optional One of "raw", "change" or "relative change" that dictates whether to return the new growth rate (raw), the change in growth rate new - old or the relative change ([new - old] / old). progress : bool, optional Whether to show a progress bar. On by default. diag : bool, optional Whether the diagonal should contain values as well. If False will be filled with NaNs. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A data frame with one row for each knockout and growth rates in the columns. Here the row name indicates which taxon has been knocked out and the columns contain the growth changes for all taxa in that knockout. """ if taxa is None: taxa = self.taxa if isinstance(taxa, str): taxa = [taxa] if any(sp not in self.taxa for sp in taxa): raise ValueError( "At least one of the arguments is not a taxon " "in the community." ) if method not in ["raw", "change", "relative change"]: raise ValueError( "`method` must be one of 'raw', 'change', " "or 'relative change'." ) return knockout_taxa(self, taxa, fraction, method, progress, diag)
[docs] def scale(self): """Get a scale to improve numerical properties.""" if "cplex" in str(self.problem): return 1000.0 return 1.0
[docs] def to_pickle(self, filename): """Save a community in serialized form. Parameters ---------- filename : str Where to save the pickled community. Returns ------- Nothing """ with open(filename, mode="wb") as out: pickle.dump(self, out, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
@cobra.Model.solver.setter def solver(self, s): """Set the solver.""" if hasattr(self.solver.configuration, "lp_method"): self.solver.configuration.lp_method = "auto" if hasattr(self.solver.configuration, "qp_method"): self.solver.configuration.qp_method = "auto" cobra.Model.solver.fset(self, s) adjust_solver_config(self.solver)