Source code for

"""Submodule including some common data sets."""

from ..workflows import load_results
from os.path import split, join
from numpy.random import randint
import pandas as pd
import pickle

__all__ = ("agora", "test_taxonomy")
this_dir, _ = split(__file__)

[docs] agora = pd.read_csv(join(this_dir, "agora.csv"))
agora["file"] = agora["id"] + ".xml" test_db = join(this_dir, "artifacts", "species_models.qza") test_medium = join(this_dir, "artifacts", "medium.qza")
[docs] def test_taxonomy(n=4): """Create a simple test taxonomy. Parameters ---------- n : positive int How many species to include. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Taxonomy specification for a. """ ecoli_file = join(this_dir, "e_coli_core.xml.gz") ids = ["Escherichia_coli_{}".format(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)] taxa = pd.DataFrame({"id": ids}) taxa["genus"] = "Escherichia" taxa["species"] = "Escherichia coli" taxa["reactions"] = 95 taxa["metabolites"] = 72 taxa["file"] = ecoli_file return taxa
def test_data(n_samples=4, uses_db=True): """Create a simple test data set. Parameters ---------- n_samples : positive int How many samples to include. uses_db : bool Whether the data is used with a model database. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Taxonomy specification for the example data. """ samples = ["sample_%d" % i for i in range(1, n_samples + 1)] data = [test_taxonomy() for s in samples] for i, d in enumerate(data): d["sample_id"] = samples[i] d["species"] += " " + d.index.astype("str") data = pd.concat(data) data["abundance"] = randint(1, 1000, data.shape[0]) if uses_db: del data["file"] return data def test_results(): """Return growth results for a realistic example data sets. This will give you access to the results as produced by the community tutorial at Returns ------- GrowthResults The results for running the `grow` workflow with a tradeoff of 0.8. """ return load_results(join(this_dir, "artifacts", "")) def test_tradeoff(): """Return tradeoff results for a realistic example data set. This will give you access to the tradeoffs as produced by the community tutorial at Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Growth rates for varying tradeoff values. """ return pd.read_csv(join(this_dir, "artifacts", "crc_tradeoff.csv"), index_col=0)