Source code for micom.duality

"""Implements a fast dual formulation."""

from sympy.core.singleton import S
from micom.logger import logger

[docs] def fast_dual(model, prefix="dual_"): """Add dual formulation to the problem. A mathematical optimization problem can be viewed as a primal and a dual problem. If the primal problem is a minimization problem the dual is a maximization problem, and the optimal value of the dual is a lower bound of the optimal value of the primal. For linear problems, strong duality holds, which means that the optimal values of the primal and dual are equal (duality gap = 0). This functions takes an optlang Model representing a primal linear problem and returns a new Model representing the dual optimization problem. The provided model must have a linear objective, linear constraints and only continuous variables. Furthermore, the problem must be in standard form, i.e. all variables should be non-negative. Both minimization and maximization problems are allowed. Attributes ---------- model : cobra.Model The model to be dualized. prefix : str The string that will be prepended to all variable and constraint names in the returned dual problem. Returns ------- dict The coefficients for the new dual objective. """"adding dual variables") if len(model.variables) > 1e5: logger.warning( "the model has a lot of variables," "dual optimization will be extremely slow :O" ) prob = model.problem maximization = model.objective.direction == "max" if maximization: sign = 1 else: sign = -1 coefficients = {} dual_objective = {} to_add = [] # Add dual variables from primal constraints: for constraint in model.constraints: if constraint.expression == 0: continue # Skip empty constraint if not constraint.is_Linear: raise ValueError( "Non-linear problems are not supported: " + str(constraint) ) if is None and constraint.ub is None: logger.debug("skipped free constraint %s" % continue # Skip free constraint if == constraint.ub: const_var = prob.Variable( prefix + + "_constraint", lb=None, ub=None ) to_add.append(const_var) if != 0: dual_objective[] = sign * coefs = constraint.get_linear_coefficients(constraint.variables) for variable, coef in coefs.items(): coefficients.setdefault(, {})[] = sign * coef else: if is not None: lb_var = prob.Variable( prefix + + "_constraint_lb", lb=0, ub=None ) to_add.append(lb_var) if != 0: dual_objective[] = -sign * if constraint.ub is not None: ub_var = prob.Variable( prefix + + "_constraint_ub", lb=0, ub=None ) to_add.append(ub_var) if constraint.ub != 0: dual_objective[] = sign * constraint.ub if not (constraint.expression.is_Add or constraint.expression.is_Mul): raise ValueError( "Invalid expression type: " + str(type(constraint.expression)) ) if constraint.expression.is_Add: coefficients_dict = constraint.get_linear_coefficients( constraint.variables ) else: # constraint.expression.is_Mul: args = constraint.expression.args coefficients_dict = {args[1]: args[0]} for variable, coef in coefficients_dict.items(): if is not None: coefficients.setdefault(, {})[] = ( -sign * coef ) if constraint.ub is not None: coefficients.setdefault(, {})[] = ( sign * coef ) # Add dual variables from primal bounds for variable in model.variables: if not variable.type == "continuous": raise ValueError("Integer variables are not supported: " + str(variable)) if is not None and < 0: raise ValueError( "Problem is not in standard form (" + + " can be negative)" ) if > 0: bound_var = prob.Variable(prefix + + "_lb", lb=0, ub=None) to_add.append(bound_var) coefficients.setdefault(, {})[] = -sign dual_objective[] = -sign * if variable.ub is not None: bound_var = prob.Variable(prefix + + "_ub", lb=0, ub=None) to_add.append(bound_var) coefficients.setdefault(, {})[] = sign if variable.ub != 0: dual_objective[] = sign * variable.ub model.add_cons_vars(to_add) # Add dual constraints from primal objective primal_objective_dict = model.objective.get_linear_coefficients( model.objective.variables ) for variable in model.objective.variables: obj_coef = primal_objective_dict[variable] if maximization: const = prob.Constraint(S.Zero, lb=obj_coef, name=prefix + else: const = prob.Constraint(S.Zero, ub=obj_coef, name=prefix + model.add_cons_vars([const]) model.solver.update() coefs = { model.variables[vid]: coef for vid, coef in coefficients[].items() } const.set_linear_coefficients(coefs) # Make dual objective coefs = { model.variables[vid]: coef for vid, coef in dual_objective.items() if coef != 0 }"dual model has {} terms in objective".format(len(coefs))) return coefs