Source code for micom.viz.association

"""Visualization for phenotype prediction."""

from datetime import datetime
from micom.viz import Visualization
from micom.logger import logger
from micom.measures import production_rates, consumption_rates
from micom import stats
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype
from sklearn.model_selection import (
from sklearn.linear_model import (
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

[docs] PANDAS_VERSION = tuple(int(x) for x in pd.__version__.split("."))
[docs] def plot_association( results, phenotype, variable_type="binary", variable_name="phenotype", filename="association_%s.html" %"%Y%m%d"), flux_type="production", fdr_threshold=0.05, threads=1, atol=1e-6 ): """Test for differential metabolite production. This will check for associations of the `phenotype` with metabolite fluxes. Individual tests are performed using non-parametric tests of the overall consumption or production fluxes for each samples versus the phenotype. To assess the the global association, this will fit L1-regularized linear models with log-fluxes as features. Will use LASSO regression for a continuous response and L1-regularized Logistic regression for a binary response. Parameters ---------- results : micom.workflows.GrowthResults The results returned by the `grow` workflow. phenotype : pandas.Series The data to be fitted. Its index must correspond to `sample_id` in `exchanges`. variable_type : str of ["binary", "continuous"] The type of the variable. variable_name : str A short description of the phenotype for instance "disease status". filename : str The HTML file where the visualization will be saved. flux_type : str of ["import", "production"] Whether to fit using import or production fluxes. threads : int The number of threads to use. fdr_threshold : float The false discovery rate cutoff to use (FDR-corrected p-value cutoff). Defaults to 0.05. atol : float Tolerance to consider a flux different from zero. Will default to the solver tolerance. Returns ------- Visualization A MICOM visualization. Can be served with `viz.view`. """ exchanges = results.exchanges if flux_type == "import": exchanges = consumption_rates(results) else: exchanges = production_rates(results) exchanges = exchanges.loc[exchanges.flux > atol] if exchanges.shape[1] < 1: raise ValueError("None of the fluxes passed the tolerance threshold :(") if variable_type == "binary" and phenotype.nunique() != 2: raise ValueError( "Binary variables must have exactly two unique values, yours " "has: %s." % ", ".join(phenotype.unique()) ) elif variable_type == "continuous" and not is_numeric_dtype(phenotype): raise ValueError( "Continuous variables must have a numeric type, but yours is" " of type `%s`." % phenotype.dtype ) elif variable_type not in ["binary", "continuous"]: raise ValueError( "Unsupported variable type. Must be either `binary` or " "`continuous`." ) exchanges.loc[:, variable_name] = phenotype[exchanges.sample_id].values fluxes = exchanges.pivot_table( index="sample_id", columns="metabolite", values="flux", fill_value=atol ) if PANDAS_VERSION >= (2, 1, 0): fluxes = else: fluxes = fluxes.applymap(np.log) meta = phenotype[fluxes.index] stds = fluxes.std(axis=1) bad = stds < atol if bad.any(): logger.warning("Removing %d fluxes due to zero variance." % bad.sum()) fluxes = fluxes.loc[:, ~bad] scaled = StandardScaler().fit_transform(fluxes) if variable_type == "binary": model = LogisticRegressionCV( penalty="l1", scoring="accuracy", solver="liblinear", cv=2, Cs=np.power(10.0, np.arange(-6, 6, 0.5)), max_iter=50000, ) fit =, meta) model = LogisticRegression( penalty="l1", solver="liblinear", C=fit.C_[0], max_iter=10000, ) fit =, meta) score = cross_val_score(model, X=scaled, y=meta, cv=2) tests = stats.compare_groups( exchanges, metadata_column=variable_name, threads=threads, progress=False) statistic_name = "log fold-change" tests.rename(columns={"log_fold_change": "statistic"}, inplace=True) else: model = LassoCV(cv=2, max_iter=50000) fit =, meta) model = Lasso(alpha=fit.alpha_, max_iter=50000) fit =, meta) score = cross_val_score(model, X=scaled, y=meta, cv=2) tests = stats.correlate_fluxes( exchanges, metadata_column=variable_name, threads=threads, progress=False) statistic_name = "Spearman ρ" tests.rename(columns={"spearman_rho": "statistic"}, inplace=True) score = [np.mean(score), np.std(score)] score.append(model.score(scaled, meta)) data = {"fluxes": exchanges, "tests": tests} significant = tests[tests.q < fdr_threshold] predicted = cross_val_predict(model, scaled, meta, cv=LeaveOneOut()) fitted = pd.DataFrame( {"real": meta, "predicted": predicted}, index=meta.index ) exchanges = exchanges.loc[ exchanges.metabolite.isin(significant.metabolite.values) ].copy() exchanges[variable_name] = meta[exchanges.sample_id].values var_type = "nominal" if variable_type == "binary" else "quantitative" viz = Visualization(filename, data, "tests.html") fitted=fitted.to_json(orient="records"), tests=significant.to_json(orient="records"), exchanges=exchanges.to_json(orient="records"), metabolites=json.dumps([None] + significant.metabolite.tolist()), variable=variable_name, statistic=statistic_name, type=var_type, direction=flux_type, q_threshold=fdr_threshold, score=score, width=400, cwidth=max(12 * significant.shape[0], 160), ) return viz