Source code for micom.viz.exchanges

"""Visualization for exchanges."""

from datetime import datetime
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, leaves_list
from micom.logger import logger
from micom.viz.core import Visualization
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

[docs] def plot_exchanges_per_sample( results, filename="sample_exchanges_%s.html" %"%Y%m%d"), direction="import", cluster=True, ) -> None: """Plot the per sample exchange fluxes. Parameters ---------- results : micom.workflows.GrowthResults The results returned by the `grow` workflow. filename : str The HTML file where the visualization will be saved. direction : str either "import" or "export" The direction of fluxes to plot. cluster : bool Whether to reorder samples so that samples with similar exchange fluxes are close to another. Returns ------- Visualization A MICOM visualization. Can be served with `viz.serve`. """ exchanges = results.exchanges anns = results.annotations.copy().drop_duplicates(subset="metabolite") anns.index = anns.metabolite tol = exchanges.tolerance.iloc[0] if direction not in ["import", "export"]: ValueError("Not a valid flux direction. Must be `import` or `export`.") exchanges = exchanges[ (exchanges.taxon == "medium") & (exchanges.direction == direction) & (exchanges.flux.abs() > tol) ].copy() exchanges.flux = exchanges.flux.abs() mat = exchanges.pivot_table( values="flux", index="metabolite", columns="sample_id", fill_value=tol ) if cluster: sample_order = leaves_list(linkage(mat.values.T, method="average")) else: sample_order = range(mat.shape[1]) reaction_order = leaves_list(linkage(mat.values, method="average")) mat = mat.iloc[reaction_order, sample_order] mat["metabolite"] = mat.index data = mat.melt(id_vars="metabolite", var_name="sample_id", value_name="flux") data["description"] = anns.loc[data.metabolite, "name"].values data = {"exchange_fluxes": data} viz = Visualization(filename, data, "sample_heatmap.html") long = mat.shape[0] > mat.shape[1] w = mat.shape[1] * 10 if long else mat.shape[0] * 10 height = mat.shape[0] * 10 if long else mat.shape[1] * 10 data=data["exchange_fluxes"].to_json(orient="records"), width=w, height=height, long=long, ) return viz
[docs] def plot_exchanges_per_taxon( results, filename="taxon_exchanges_%s.html" %"%Y%m%d"), direction="import", use_total_flux=False, **tsne_args, ) -> None: """Plot the exchange fluxes per taxon. Parameters ---------- results : micom.workflows.GrowthResults The exchanges returned by the `grow` workflow. filename : str The HTML file where the visualization will be saved. direction : str either "import" or "export" The direction of fluxes to plot. use_total_fluxes : bool Whether to use fluxes normalized to 1gDW of bacteria or the total flux. tsne_args : dict Additional arguments passed to TSNE. Returns ------- Visualization A MICOM visualization. Can be served with `viz.serve`. """ exchanges = results.exchanges if direction not in ["import", "export"]: ValueError("Not a valid flux direction. Must be `import` or `export`.") exchanges = exchanges[ (exchanges.taxon != "medium") & (exchanges.direction == direction) ].copy() if use_total_flux: exchanges["flux"] = exchanges.flux.abs() * exchanges.abundance else: exchanges["flux"] = exchanges.flux.abs() mat = exchanges.pivot_table( values="flux", index=["sample_id", "taxon"], columns="reaction", fill_value=0.0, ) n = exchanges.sample_id.nunique() if "init" not in tsne_args: tsne_args["init"] = "pca" if "learning_rate" not in tsne_args: tsne_args["learning_rate"] = 200.0 if "perplexity" not in tsne_args and n <= 30: logger.warn(f"Not enough samples. Adjusting T-SNE perplexity to {n // 2}.") tsne_args["perplexity"] = n // 2 reduced = TSNE(**tsne_args).fit_transform(mat.values) reduced = pd.DataFrame( reduced, index=mat.index, columns=["TSNE 1", "TSNE 2"] ).reset_index() data = {"reduced": reduced} viz = Visualization(filename, data, "reduced.html")"records"), width=600, height=500) return viz