Source code for micom.workflows.db_media

"""Test growth media for a model database."""

import pandas as pd
from cobra.medium import find_external_compartment
from micom.annotation import annotate_metabolites_from_exchanges
from micom.db import load_zip_model_db, load_manifest
from micom.workflows.core import workflow
from import process_medium
import as mm
from micom.logger import logger
from micom.solution import OptimizationError
from micom.util import load_model
from micom.qiime_formats import load_qiime_model_db
import re
from rich import print as rprint
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

[docs] def _grow(args): """Get the maximum growth rate under a given medium.""" mid, file, med = args mod = load_model(file) good = med[med.index.isin([ for r in mod.exchanges])] if len(good) == 0: logger.warning( "Could not find any reactions from the medium in `%s`. " "Maybe a mismatch in IDs?" ) mod.medium = med[med.index.isin([ for r in mod.exchanges])] rate = mod.slim_optimize() return {"id": mid, "growth_rate": rate}
[docs] def _try_complete(args): """Try to complete the medium for a model.""" file, med, growth, max_import, mip, w, strict = args mod = load_model(file) exc = find_external_compartment(mod) if exc.startswith("C_"): # for CARVEME models exc = exc[2:] try: fixed = mm.complete_medium( mod, med, growth, max_import=max_import, strict=strict, minimize_components=mip, weights=w, ) added = sum(i not in med.index for i in fixed.index) added_flux = fixed.sum() - med[med.index.isin(fixed.index)].sum() can_grow = True "Could grow `%s` by adding %d imports" "and %g additional .flux" % (file, added, added_flux) ) except OptimizationError: fixed = pd.Series(float("nan"), index=med.index) added = float("nan") added_flux = float("nan") can_grow = False"Could not grow `%s`." % file) fixed.index = [ re.sub( "(_{}$)|([^a-zA-Z0-9 :]{}[^a-zA-Z0-9 :]$)".format(exc, exc), "_m", rid, ) for rid in fixed.index ] return (can_grow, added, added_flux, fixed)
[docs] def check_db_medium(model_db, medium, threads=1): """Complete a growth medium for all models in a database. Arguments --------- model_db : str A pre-built model database. If ending in `.qza` must be a Qiime 2 artifact of type `MetabolicModels[JSON]`. Can also be a folder, zip (must end in `.zip`) file or None if the taxonomy contains a column `file`. medium : pd.DataFrame A growth medium. Must have columns "reaction" and "flux" denoting exchange reactions and their respective maximum flux. Can not be sample specific. threads : int >=1 The number of parallel workers to use when building models. As a rule of thumb you will need around 1GB of RAM for each thread. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Returns an annotated manifest file with a column `can_grow` that tells you whether the model can grow on the (fixed) medium, and a column `growth_rate` that gives the growth rate. """ medium = process_medium(medium, ["dummy"]) medium.index = medium.global_id compressed = model_db.endswith(".qza") or model_db.endswith(".zip") if compressed: tdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="micom_") if model_db.endswith(".qza"): manifest = load_qiime_model_db(model_db, elif model_db.endswith(".zip"): manifest = load_zip_model_db(model_db, else: manifest = load_manifest(model_db) rank = manifest["summary_rank"][0] rprint( "Checking %d %s-level models on a medium with %d components." % (manifest.shape[0], rank, len(medium)) ) args = [(r["id"], r["file"], medium.flux) for _, r in manifest.iterrows()] results = workflow(_grow, args, threads) results = manifest.merge(pd.DataFrame.from_records(results), on="id") results["can_grow"] = results.growth_rate.notna() & (results.growth_rate > 1e-6) if compressed: tdir.cleanup() return results
[docs] def complete_db_medium( model_db, medium, growth=0.001, max_added_import=1, minimize_components=False, weights=None, threads=1, strict=list(), ): """Complete a growth medium for all models in a database. Arguments --------- model_db : str A pre-built model database. If ending in `.qza` must be a Qiime 2 artifact of type `MetabolicModels[JSON]`. Can also be a folder, zip (must end in `.zip`) file or None if the taxonomy contains a column `file`. medium : pd.DataFrame A growth medium. Must have columns "reaction" and "flux" denoting exchange reactions and their respective maximum flux. Can not be sample specific. growth : positive float or pandas.Series The minimum growth rate the model has to achieve with the (fixed) medium. If a Series will have a minimum growth rate for each id/taxon in the model db. max_added_import : positive float Maximum import flux for each added additional import not included in the growth medium. If positive will expand the medium with additional imports in order to fulfill the growth objective. minimize_components : boolean Whether to minimize the number of components instead of the total import flux. Might be more intuitive if set to True but may also be slow to calculate. weights : str Will scale the fluxes by a weight factor. Can either be "mass" which will scale by molecular mass, a single element which will scale by the elemental content (for instance "C" to scale by carbon content). If None every metabolite will receive the same weight. Will be ignored if `minimize_components` is True. threads : int >=1 The number of parallel workers to use when building models. As a rule of thumb you will need around 1GB of RAM for each thread. strict : list Whether to match the imports in the predefined medium exactly. For reactions IDs listed here will not allow additional import of the components in the provided medium. For example, if your input medium has a flux of 10 mmol/(gDW*h) defined and the requested growth rate can only be fulfilled by ramping this up that would be allowed in non-strict mode but forbidden in strict mode. To match all medium components to strict mode use `strict=medium.global_id`. Returns ------- tuple of (manifest, import fluxes) Returns an annotated manifest file with a column `can_grow` that tells you whether the model can grow on the (fixed) medium, and a column `added` that gives the number of added imports apart from the ones in the medium. """ medium = process_medium(medium, ["dummy"]) medium.index = medium.global_id compressed = model_db.endswith(".qza") or model_db.endswith(".zip") if compressed: tdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="micom_") if model_db.endswith(".qza"): manifest = load_qiime_model_db(model_db, elif model_db.endswith(".zip"): manifest = load_zip_model_db(model_db, else: manifest = load_manifest(model_db) rank = manifest["summary_rank"][0] rprint( "Completing %d %s-level models on a medium with %d components" " ([red]%d strict[/red])." % (manifest.shape[0], rank, len(medium), len(strict)) ) if not isinstance(growth, pd.Series): growth = pd.Series(growth, manifest.index = args = [ ( manifest.loc[i, "file"], medium.flux, growth[i], max_added_import, minimize_components, weights, strict, ) for i in manifest.index ] results = workflow(_try_complete, args, threads) manifest["can_grow"] = [r[0] for r in results] manifest["added"] = [r[1] for r in results] manifest["added_flux"] = [r[2] for r in results] imports = pd.DataFrame.from_records([r[3] for r in results]).fillna(0.0) imports.index = if compressed: tdir.cleanup() metrics = ( manifest.can_grow.sum(), manifest.added_flux.dropna().mean(), imports.mean().sum(), ) rprint( "Obtained growth for %d models adding additional" " flux of %.2f/%.2f on average." % metrics ) return (manifest, imports)
[docs] def _annotate(f): """Get annotation for a model.""" mod = load_model(f) return annotate_metabolites_from_exchanges(mod)
[docs] def db_annotations( model_db, threads=1, ): """Get metabolite annotations from a model DB. Arguments --------- model_db : str A pre-built model database. If ending in `.qza` must be a Qiime 2 artifact of type `MetabolicModels[JSON]`. Can also be a folder, zip (must end in `.zip`) file or None if the taxonomy contains a column `file`. threads : int >=1 The number of parallel workers to use when building models. As a rule of thumb you will need around 1GB of RAM for each thread. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Annotations for all exchanged metabolites. """ compressed = model_db.endswith(".qza") or model_db.endswith(".zip") if compressed: tdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="micom_") if model_db.endswith(".qza"): manifest = load_qiime_model_db(model_db, elif model_db.endswith(".zip"): manifest = load_zip_model_db(model_db, else: manifest = load_manifest(model_db) rank = manifest["summary_rank"][0] "Getting annotations from %d %s-level models ." % (manifest.shape[0], rank) ) args = manifest.file.tolist() results = workflow(_annotate, args, threads) anns = pd.concat(results).drop_duplicates(subset=["reaction"]) if compressed: tdir.cleanup() return anns